
Helping Teens Through Tough Subjects: A Guide for Parents Part 12

As we previously discussed, fluid learning not only trains your child to use a wide range of essential skills but also teaches them to learn in a way that sets the groundwork for being a future expert. The path to being an expert is a solitary journey, true mastery isn’t acquired through knowledge, but from hands-on experience and consistent deliberate practice.

No amounts of external classes, coaching or outside help can fully replace the individual effort required for mastery. Your skills and expertise today are the result of your practical experience, not endless classroom lessons. However, consistent hard work or practice alone does not guarantee continuous skill improvement.

While dedication and effort are essential, repeatedly making the same mistakes or prioritizing quantity instead of quality can influence the rate and extent of progress. The varying cognitive abilities of each child also significantly influences how they respond to the same methods, resulting in different levels understanding and mastery.

The reality is that the path to mastery involves multiple cycles of rapid progress followed by periods of stagnation. This pattern is similar to progressing through levels in a game, where initial progress is swift but eventually, progress comes to a halt. The feeling of stagnation is a common experience on the road to mastery and many people simply choose to give up after prolonged periods of plateau.

To overcome this hurdle, it’s crucial to engage in reflection and challenge your beliefs to assess the effectiveness of your approach. By identifying areas where efforts are misguided, individuals can redirect their focus to achieve significant breakthroughs. Fluid intelligence plays a significant role in quickly overcoming these hurdles and accelerating the journey towards mastery.

In this post, we will discuss how fluid learning cultivates fluid intelligence, which is an ability that is invaluable in a world of constant change.

What is Fluid Intelligence?

Have you ever seen Sherlock Holmes, a brilliant detective who can solve mysteries with incredible speed and ease? He demonstrates the incredible potential of high fluid intelligence, solving complex cases by identifying patterns, making connections and drawing logical conclusions, even with incomplete information.

Fluid intelligence is the combination of cognitive abilities that allows us to reason through novel situations and solve problems in dynamic environments. It’s different from learning that relies on accumulated knowledge and past experiences. Fluid intelligence is about thinking on your feet, tackling challenges and adapting to situations we have never encountered before.

You can think of fluid intelligence as your brain’s ability to “think outside the box” and come up with creative solutions in situations where you don’t have all the answers. Unlike general intelligence, which is often constrained within the “box” of established knowledge and experiences, fluid intelligence shines in situations that are unpredictable where conventional methods are ineffective.

A student with general intelligence would struggle to solve a problem if the step-by-step explanation is incomplete. However, a student with fluid intelligence can easily fill in the missing information and even evaluate whether the steps are effective, potentially experimenting alternative approaches.

Build your child’s fluid intelligence through Eduwerkx’s personalized learning to accelerate their journey towards mastery. Interested to learn more about how fluid learning can help your child become a super learner? Like and follow to find out more in part 13.

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