
Helping Teens Through Tough Subjects: A Guide for Parents Part 2

Previously, we mentioned how the wrong approach and not having personalized instructions can make learning a challenge for teens. We’ve all encountered situations where a message is sent, but a different message is received.

You explain clearly what you want to another person or Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the generated image misses the mark. This is miscommunication, where one’s person intended meaning differs from another’s interpretation, which is a common occurrence in life.

It causes confusion, frustration and disengagement in learning. In this post, we will uncover other reasons that your child may be struggling with certain subjects.

Gaps in Foundational Knowledge

Imagine being in a class where the teacher throws around terms like “ABB” and “CDD” like they’re as simple as basic addition or subtraction. Confused? You wouldn’t be alone. This scenario highlights a very real challenge that many students face: learning difficulties arising from gaps in foundational knowledge.

When a teacher assumes that all students understand the basics and uses short forms to teach, the lesson can quickly turn into a confusing mix of letters and concepts. This can leave students feeling overwhelmed and intimidated.

Simple subjects can suddenly appear complex, creating a sense of frustration and discouragement. The sheer volume of unfamiliar content in lesson can be overwhelming, causing students to shut down and lose interest. This often leads them to avoid the topic entirely.

The avoidance creates a vicious cycle. By shying away from the confusing subject, the student further widens their knowledge gap, making it even harder to catch up in the future.

Long Feedback Loop

Consider a scenario where a student spends countless hours studying for a subject and not getting their grade or any feedback until months later. This is a common situation in schools which highlight a big problem in learning: delayed feedback.

Students could be putting in a tremendous amount of effort into their learning, but without knowing if they are moving in the right direction. Without feedback, students can end up confused and putting their effort in all the wrong places.

Test results, often the only feedback students receive, arrive far too late to be truly helpful. By the time they get a grade, months would have passed and the student would have done so many different things that it’s hard to figure what actually worked and what didn’t. This leaves them unsure of what to change or how to improve.

Over time, this lack of timely feedback can lead to a condition known as learned helplessness. Students develop a belief that regardless of their effort, the outcome is beyond their control. This feeling of having no control diminishes their confidence, decreases motivation and makes them think they are bad learners.

Unengaged learning = Stress & Lower Grades. Follow to discover the connection in part 3.

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