
Part 13: Ditch These Learning Traps Before You Burnout!

Previously, we mentioned that people with weak foundations continually train themselves to resist new information from filling the holes in their foundation, eventually reaching a stage of where it becomes an automatic default response.

When confronted with vulnerabilities, the first instinct would be to react defensively. We might shut down, refuse to listen to feedback and ideas or lash out. This prevents us from learning new things and improving ourselves.

Always being on the defensive is bad for our emotional well-being, can be emotionally draining as it often leads to arguments and hostility, creating a cycle of criticism and blame. People who automatically feel attacked are more likely to retaliate, creating a vicious cycle that strains relationship.

Some bosses may portray an image of being open-minded and receptive, but defensiveness can erode that perception. Imagine a boss that has a constant need to be right, resorting to unreasonable justifications to bend the rules for themselves while holding everyone else to an unyielding standard.

Differing opinions are met with dismissal, shutting down valuable perspectives. And when things go wrong, the blame conveniently shifts to someone else. Overtime, the defensiveness will be interpreted as being close-minded, dishonest, an enemy of progress and unwilling to listen.

Research has linked high levels of defensive communication to increased burnout, while couple therapists identify defensiveness as one of the key factors in predicting the success of a marriage relationship. Being constantly critical and defensive can make people hate each other, breeding resentment, frustration and ultimately leading to burnout.

On the other hand, being open-minded can significantly enhance your learning speed and overall learning experience. It allows you to consider different perspectives and approaches, which can accelerate your understanding of new concepts.

Individuals who are open-minded are often better at problem-solving because they expose themselves to a broader range of information and insights, allowing them to see multiple solutions when others might struggle.

We’re all born with an innate curiosity that fuels our desire to learn and keeps our minds open. This inquisitiveness drives us to explore the world around us and is most obvious in children who constantly ask questions, listen intently and seek out new experiences. However, this thirst for knowledge can sometimes fade as we get older.

The flexibility to change your views when presented with new facts and evidence allows for quicker integration of new knowledge into your foundation. This means that you approach topics without prejudice, can easily bypass biases that might otherwise hinder learning.

Open-minded individuals are also more comfortable with uncertainty, which is often a part of the learning process. This comfort can actually help you pick up new things faster as you are more willing to dive into complex and challenging topics.

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